„Da betroffene Familien und Kinder suchtkranker Eltern kaum Lobby haben, ergreift der Verein ein dringend notwendiges Engagement.“
Gudrun Hock, Bürgermeisterin Düsseldorf, Schirmherrin „Kunst gegen Sucht e.V."

Kunst gegen Sucht e. V. – Art against Addiction

What is Kunst gegen Sucht e. V. – Art against Addiction?

Kunst gegen Sucht e.V. is a charity supporting addiction prevention and welfare projects for children and young people from families affected by addiction. It was founded in Düsseldorf on 22nd November 2007. The founder members include doctors, addiction therapists, addiction advisors and teachers. Gudrun Hock, Mayor of the city of Düsseldorf, agreed to become the patron of the charity, which is also supported by Brother Matthäus Werner CFP (Winner of the Düsseldorf Peace Prize 2007).

What are the aims of the charity?

The charity supports official counselling centres that provide information on the often taboo issues and unrecognised phenomena associated with co-dependence and offers help to the children and young people affected. This allows the vicious cycle of addiction to be broken rather than passed on to the next generation.

Where does the charity get its funds?

The charity finances welfare projects through cultural events (e.g. benefit concerts, theatre performances, exhibitions etc.), public aid money and donations.

Why is the work of the charity necessary?

2.6 million children in Germany live in a constant state of fear. The danger lurks in precisely the place where children look for safety and security: in their own families. Every fifth child in Germany has parents who take drugs. The actual figures are shocking.
Germany is home to around 2.65 million serious alcoholics, around 1.2 million prescription drug addicts and around 120,000 illegal drug addicts.
Around six to eight million children, partners, parents and siblings are affected by the addiction of a family member. There is an addict in every seventh to eighth family.
This does not just cause human suffering: it is also a huge financial burden on society. Alcohol alone causes annual economic damages of 20 billion Euros.
With addiction comes social isolation. This is because society still tends to see it as a matter of individual guilt and personal failure. This has a negative effect on the addicts themselves and also their family members, especially children.

Children whose parents are drug addicts are much more likely to become addicted themselves or to look for a partner with addiction problems in order to continue (unconsciously) their familiar childhood patterns.
Life for the children affected is one of daily horror. They experience constant feelings of anxiety and uncertainty towards their home and have no idea of what it is like to feel happy at home. Violence, neglect and abuse are often a part of everyday life. These children are not able to help themselves because they have never learned to talk about their worries and fears. On the contrary: in order to maintain a show of normality they do everything they can to conceal the addiction problems of their parents. This puts a lifelong burden on these children.
The only way out is through outside support. If they are ever to live a fulfilling life these children need people they can turn to for help and with whom they can develop a relationship based on trust. This is the only way that these children can hope to lead a healthy adult life.
In this context preventative measures are particularly essential, and the charity therefore makes this a priority in its work. The charity promotes education through schools and youth centres in the form of talks and organised activities (e.g. theatre performances, holiday camps, workshops etc.)

What partnerships does the charity look for?

The charity looks for partnerships with:

Public authorities

  • Recognised welfare organisations (e.g. Diakonie, Caritas, AWO)
  • Sponsors who can influence public opinion
  • Companies involved in social and cultural sponsorship
  • Companies whose target groups include children and young people
  • Media and advertising agencies

In return the logo of the partner/sponsor appears on advertising media (e.g. websites, posters, advertisements) and they are offered tickets, discounts etc.


It is right and proper to help needy people in the developing world.
However, the charity Kunst gegen Sucht e.V. also believes that people in need in our own country should not be ignored.

We are a recognised charity as a result of our stated charitable aims and purposes (the promotion of public health) and are therefore not liable to corporate tax under the notice of exemption issued by the Düsseldorf-Süd tax office Tax Number 106/5748/2169 of 08.02.2008 and according to § 5 Para. 1 No. 9 of the Corporate Tax Act.